Publications By Year      
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This page may be outdated. For recent information, check LEAP lab publication list
S. Ganapathy, "Signal Analysis using Autoregressive Models of Amplitude Modulation ", Johns Hopkins University, Jan. 2012.
S. Ganapathy, "Speaker and Language Recognition - From Laboratory Technologies to the Wild", Invited Perspective Keynote Talk, Interspeech 2018.
S. Ganapathy and S. Thomas, "The Art and Science of Speech Feature Engineering", Interspeech, Singapore, Sept. 2014.
N. Sharma, V. Krishnamohan, S. Ganapathy, A. Gangopadhyay, L. Fink "Acoustic and linguistic features influence talker change detection", Journal of Acoustic Society of America (JASA) - Express Letters, EL414, Oct. 2020.
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Interpretable Representation Learning for Speech and Audio Signals Based on Relevance Weighting," IEEE Transactions and Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2020. [Code]
S. Babu, D. Vijayasenan and S. Ganapathy, "Automatic Speaker Profiling from Short Duration Speech Data", Elsevier Speech Communications, April 2020.
B. Padi, A. Mohan and S. Ganapathy, "Towards Relevance and Sequence Modeling in Language Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, March, 2020.
S. Ramoji and S. Ganapathy, "Supervised I-vector Modeling for Language and Accent Recognition", Elsevier Journal on Computer, Speech and Language, Oct. 2019.
A. Kanagasundaram, S. Sridharan, S. Ganapathy and C. Fookes, "A Study on Pairwise LDA for X-vector based Speaker Recognition", IET Electronic Letters, (2019).
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Modulation Filter Learning Using Deep Variational Networks for Robust Speech Recognition", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Special Issue on Data Science: Machine Learning for Audio Signal Processing, April 2019. [Code]
A. Soman, Madhavan C. R., K. Sarkar, and S. Ganapathy, "An EEG Study On The Brain Representations in Language Learning", IOP Journal on Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 5(2), 25041, (2019).
N. Sharma, S. Ganesh, S. Ganapathy and L. Holt, "Talker change detection: A comparison of human and machine performance", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, December 2018. [Code]
V. S. Kadimesetty, S. Gutta, S. Ganapathy, and P. K. Yalavarthy, "Convolutional Neural Network based Robust Denoising of Low-Dose Computed Tomography Perfusion Maps", IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, August 2018.
S. Gutta, V.S. Kadimesetty, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, S. Ganapathy and P. K. Yalavarthy, "Deep Neural Network Based Bandwidth Enhancement of Photoacoustic Data", Journal of Biomedical Optics, October 2017.
G. Kocavs, L. Toth, D. V. Compernolle and S. Ganapathy , "Increasing the Robustness of CNN Acoustic Models using ARMA Spectrogram Features and Channel Dropout", Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters, September 2017.
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy, "Unsupervised Modulation Filter Learning for Noise-Robust Speech Recognition", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, September 2017. [Code]
S. Ganapathy, "Multi-variate Autoregressive Spectrogram Modeling for Noisy Speech Recognition", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, July 2017.
S. Ganapathy and M. Omar, "Auditory Motivated Front-end for Noisy Speech Using Spectro-temporal Modulation Filtering", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, EL343-349, Vol. 136(5), Nov. 2014.
S. Ganapathy, H. Mallidi and H. Hermansky, "Robust Feature Extraction Using Modulation Filtering of Autoregressive Models", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 22(8), pp. 1285-1295, Aug. 2014.
S. Ganapathy and J. Pelecanos, "Enhancing Frequency Shifted Speech Signals in Single Side Band Communication", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 20(12), pp. 1231-1234, Oct. 2013.
S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Temporal Resolution Analysis in Frequency Domain Linear Prediction", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, EL436-442, Vol. 132(5), Oct. 2012.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Temporal envelope compensation for robust phoneme recognition using modulation spectrum ", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 128(6), pp. 3769-3780, Dec. 2010.
S. Ganapathy, P. Motlicek and H. Hermansky, "Autoregressive Models Of Amplitude Modulations In Audio Compression", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 18(6), pp.1624-1631, Aug. 2010.
P. Motlicek, S. Ganapathy, H. Hermansky and H. Garudadri,"Wide-Band Audio Coding based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction", EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, Vol. 2010 (3), pp. 1-14, Jan. 2010.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Modulation Frequency Features For Phoneme Recognition In Noisy Speech", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, EL8-12, Vol. 125(1), Jan. 2009.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Recognition Of Reverberant Speech Using Frequency Domain Linear Prediction", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 681-684, Dec 2008.
N. Sharma, P. Krishnan, R. Kumar, S. Ramoji, S. R. Chetupalli, R. Nirmala, P. K. Ghosh and S. Ganapathy,"Coswara -- A Database of Breathing, Cough, and Voice Sounds for COVID-19 Diagnosis ", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020 [Dataset]
S. Ramoji, P. Krishnan and S. Ganapathy,"Neural PLDA Modeling for End-to-end Speaker Verification", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020 [Code]
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy,"Robust Raw Waveform Speech Recognition Using Relevance Weighted Representations", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
V. Krishnamohan, A. Soman, A. Gupta and S. Ganapathy,"Audiovisual Correspondence Learning in Humans And Machines", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
A. Purushothaman, A. Sreeram, R. Kumar and S. Ganapathy,"Deep Learning Based Dereverberation of Temporal Envelopes for Robust Speech Recognition", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
P. Singh and S. Ganapathy,"Deep Self-Supervised Hierarchical Clustering for Speaker Diarization", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
S. R. Chetupalli and S. Ganapathy,"Context Dependent RNNLM for Automatic Transcription of Conversations", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
J. Reddy and S. Ganapathy,"Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis For Decoding The Auditory Brain", IEEE EMBC, Toronto, Canada, July 2020.
S. Ramoji, P. Krishnan, and S. Ganapathy,"NPLDA: A Deep Neural PLDA Model for Speaker Verification", Speaker Odyssey Workshop, November, 2020.
S. Ramoji, P. Krishnan, B. Mysore, P. Singh and S. Ganapathy,"LEAP System for SRE19 Challenge -- Improvements and Error Analysis", Speaker Odyssey Workshop, November, 2020.
N. Sharma, V. Krishnamohan, S. Ganapathy, A. Gangopadhayay and L. Fink "On The Impact of Language Familiarity In Talker Change Detection", ICASSP 2020.
A. Purushothaman, A. Sreeram and S. Ganapathy "3-D Feature and Acoustic Modeling for Far-Field Speech Recognition", ICASSP 2020.
R. Kumar, A. Sreeram, A. Purushothaman and S. Ganapathy "Unsupervised Neural Mask Estimator For Generalized Eigen-Value Beamforming Based ASR", ICASSP 2020.
N. Takahashi, M. Singh, S. Basak, P. Sudarsanam, S. Ganapathy, Y. Mitsufuji "Improving Voice Separation by Incorporating End-to-end Speech Recognition", ICASSP 2020.
K. Praveen, A. Gupta, A. Soman and S. Ganapathy "Second Language Transfer Learning in Humans and Machines Using Image Supervision", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2019.
S. Bansal, K. Malhotra, S. Ganapathy"Speaker and Language Aware Training for End-to-End ASR", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2019.
N. Ryant, K. Church, C. Cieri, A. Cristia, J. Du, S. Ganapathy and M. Liberman, "The Second DIHARD Diarization Challenge: Dataset - task - and baselines", accepted in INTERSPEECH, 2019.
P. Singh, Harsha Vardhan M A, S. Ganapathy and A. Kanagasundaram, "LEAP Diarization System for the Second DIHARD Challenge", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
B. Padi, A. Mohan and S. Ganapathy, "Attention based Hybrid I-vector BLSTM Model for Language Recognition", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
K. Malhotra, S. Bansal and S. Ganapathy, "Active Learning Methods for Low Resource End-To-End Automatic Speech Recognition", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy, "Unsupervised Raw Waveform Representation Learning for ASR", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
A. Kanagasundaram, S. Sridharan, S. Ganapathy and P. Singh, "A Study of X-vector Based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
S. Ramoji, A. Mohan, Bhargavram M, A. Bhatia, P. Singh, Harsha V, S. Ganapathy, "The LEAP Speaker Recognition System for NIST SRE 2018 Challenge", ICASSP, 2019.
N. Sharma, S. Ganesh, S. Ganapathy and L. Holt, "Analyzing human reaction time for talker change detection", ICASSP, 2019.[Code]
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Deep variational filter learning models for speech recognition", ICASSP, 2019.
S. Babu, D. Vijayasenan and S. Ganapathy, "A Deep Neural Network Based End-to-End Model for Joint Height And Age Estimation From Short Duration Speech", ICASSP, 2019.
B. Padi, A. Mohan, S. Ganapathy, "End-to-end language recognition using atten
tion based hierarchical gated recurrent unit models", ICASSP, 2019.[Code]
S. Ramoji, S. Ganapathy, "Supervised i-vector modeling - Theory and Applications", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Comparison of unsupervised modulation filter learning methods for ASR", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
A. Cristia, S. Ganesh, M. Casillas and S. Ganapathy, "Talker diarization in the wild: The case of child-centered daylong audio-recordings", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
R. Kumar, V. Yeruva and S. Ganapathy, "On Convolutional LSTM Modeling for Joint Wake-Word Detection and Text Dependent Speaker Verification", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
S. Ganapathy and M. Harish, "Far-Field Speech Recognition Using Multivariate Autoregressive Models", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
B. Padi, S. Ramoji, V. Yeruva, S. Kumar, S. Ganapathy, "The LEAP Language Recognition System for LRE 2017 Challenge - Improvements and Error Analysis", Odyssey: The speaker and language recognition workshop, 2018.
N. Sajjan, S. Ganesh, N. Sharma, S. Ganapathy and N. Ryant "Leveraging LSTM Models for Overlap Detection in Multi-Party Meetings", ICASSP, Calgary Canada, April 2018.
S. Ganapathy and V. Peddinti "3-D CNN Models for Far-Field Multi-Channel Speech Recognition", ICASSP, Calgary Canada, April 2018.
N. Ryant et al. "Enhancement and Analysis of Conversational Speech: JSALT 2017", ICASSP, Calgary Canada, April 2018.
Ansari T, R. Kumar, S. Singh, S. Ganapathy "Unsupervised HMM Posteriograms for Language Independent Acoustic Modeling in Zero Resource Conditions", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2017.
Ansari T, R. Kumar, S. Singh, S. Ganapathy "Deep Learning Methods For Unsupervised Acoustic Modeling - LEAP Submission to ZeroSpeech Challenge 2017", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2017.
A. Siddhant, P. Jyothi and S. Ganapathy "Leveraging Native Language Speech For Accent Identfication Using Deep Siamese Networks", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2017.
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy "Speech representation learning using unsupervised data-driven modulation filtering for robust ASR", Interspeech, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
N. Kumar, R. K. Das, S. Jelil, Dhanush B K, H. Kashyap, K. S. R. Murthy, S. Ganapathy, R. Sinha and S. R. M. Prasanna "IITG-Indigo system for NIST 2016 SRE challenge", Interspeech, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
Dhanush B, Suparna S., Aarthy R., Likhita C., Shashank D., Harish H. and S. Ganapathy "Factor Analysis Methods for Joint Speaker Verification and Spoof Detection", ICASSP, New Orleans, USA, 2017.
S. Sadjadi, J. Pelecanos and S. Ganapathy "The IBM Speaker Recognition System: Recent Advances and Error Analysis", Interspeech, San Francisco, September, 2016.
D. Dimitriadis, S. Thomas and S. Ganapathy, "An investigation on the use of ivectors for improved ASR robustness", Interspeech, San Francisco, Sept. 2016.
S. Sadjadi, S. Ganapathy and J. Pelecanos, "The IBM 2016 Speaker Recognition System", Odyssey, Spain, June, 2016.
S. Sadjadi, S. Ganapathy and J. Pelecanos, "Speaker Age Estimation On Conversational Telephone Speech Using Senone Posterior Based I-vectors", ICASSP, Shanghai, March, 2016.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas, D. Dimitriadis, S. Rennie "Investigating Factor Analysis Features for Deep Neural Networks In Noisy Speech Recognition", Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, Sept. 2015.
S. Ganapathy, "Robust Speech Processing Using ARMA Spectrograms", ICASSP, Brisbane, April, 2015.
S. Sadjadi, J. Pelecanos and S. Ganapathy, "Nearest Neighbor Discriminant Analysis for Language Recognition", ICASSP, Brisbane, April, 2015.
S. Ganapathy, K. J. Han, S. Thomas, M. Omar, M. V. Segbroeck and S. Narayanan, ""Robust Language Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks", Interspeech, Singapore, Sept. 2014.
M. Omar and S. Ganapathy, "Shift-Invariant Features for Speech Activity Detection in Adverse Radio-Frequency Channel Conditions", ICASSP, Florence, Italy, May, 2014.
K. J. Han, S. Ganapathy, M Li, M. Omar and S. Narayanan, "Analyzing Convolutional Neural Networks for Speech Activity Detection in Mismatched Acoustic Conditions", ICASSP, Florence, Italy, May, 2014.
G. Saon, S. Thomas, H. Soltau, S. Ganapathy and B. Kingsbury, "The IBM Speech Activity Detection System for the DARPA RATS Program", Interspeech, Lyon, Aug. 2013.
K. J. Han, S. Ganapathy, M Li, M. Omar and S. Narayan, "TRAP Language Identification System for RATS Phase II Evaluation", Interspeech, Lyon, Aug. 2013.
H. Mallidi, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Robust Speaker Recognition Using Spectro-Temporal Autoregressive Models", Interspeech, Lyon, Aug. 2013.
S. Ganapathy, M. Omar and J. Pelecanos, "Unsupervised Channel Adaptation For Language Identification Using Co-training", ICASSP, Vancouver, May, 2013.
S. Ganapathy, M. Omar and J. Pelecanos, "Noisy Channel Adaptation in Language Identification", IEEE SLT, Miami, Dec, 2012.
S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Robust Phoneme Recognition Using High Resolution Temporal Envelopes", Interspeech, Portland, Sept. 2012.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy, A. Jansen and H. Hermansky, "Data-driven Posterior Features for Low Resource Speech Recognition Applications", Interspeech, Portland, Sept. 2012.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Feature Extraction Using 2-D Autoregressive Models For Speaker Recognition", ISCA Speaker Odyssey, June 2012.
S. Thomas, H. Mallidi, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Adaptation Transforms of Auto-Associative Neural Networks as Features for Speaker Verification", ISCA Speaker Odyssey, June 2012.
D. Gomero et al. "The UMD-JHU 2011 Speaker Recognition System", ICASSP, Japan, Mar. 2012.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Multilingual MLP Features For Low-resource LVCSR Systems", ICASSP, Japan, Mar. 2012.
S. Ganapathy, P. Rajan and H. Hermansky, "Multi-layer Perceptron Based Speech Activity Detection for Speaker Verification", IEEE WASPAA, Oct. 2011.
H. Mallidi, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Modulation spectrum analysis for recognition of reverberant speech", Interspeech, Italy, Aug. 2011.
S. Ganapathy, J. Pelecanos and M. Omar, "Feature Normalization for Speaker Verification in Room Reverberation", ICASSP, Prague, May 2011.
S. Garimella, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Sparse Auto-associative Neural Networks: Theory and Application to Speech Recognition", Interspeech, Japan, Sept. 2010.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Cross-lingual and Multi-stream Posterior Features for Low-resource LVCSR Systems", Proc. of Interspeech, Japan, Sept. 2010.
S. Thomas, K. Patil, S. Ganapathy, N. Mesgarani, H. Hermansky, "A Phoneme Recognition Framework based on Auditory Spectro-Temporal Receptive Fields", Proc. of Interspeech, Japan, Sept. 2010.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Robust Spectro-Temporal Features Based on Autoregressive Models of Hilbert Envelopes", ICASSP, Dallas, USA, March 2010.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Comparison of Modulation Features For Phoneme Recognition", ICASSP, Dallas, USA, March 2010.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas, and H. Hermansky, "Temporal Envelope Subtraction for Robust Speech Recognition Using Modulation Spectrum", IEEE ASRU, 2009.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas, P. Motlicek and H. Hermansky, "Applications of Signal Analysis Using Autoregressive Models for Amplitude Modulation", IEEE WASPAA 2009.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Static and Dynamic Modulation Spectrum for Speech Recognition", Proc. of Interspeech, Brighton, UK, Sept. 2009.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Tandem Representations of Spectral Envelope and Modulation Frequency Features for ASR", Proc. of Interspeech, Brighton, UK, Sept. 2009.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Phoneme Recognition Using Spectral Envelope and Modulation Frequency Features", ICASSP, Taiwan, April 2009.
S. Ganapathy, S. Thomas and H. Hermansky, "Front-end for Far-field Speech Recognition based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction", Proc. of INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Hilbert Envelope Based Specto-Temporal Features for Phoneme Recognition in Telephone Speech", Proc. of INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008.
S. Ganapathy, P. Motlicek, H. Hermansky and H. Garudadri, "Spectral Noise Shaping: Improvements in Speech/Audio Codec Based on Linear Prediction in
Spectral Domain", Proc. of INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008.
P. Motlicek, S. Ganapathy, H. Hermansky, H. Garudadri and Marios
Athineos, "Perceptually motivated Sub-band Decomposition for FDLP Audio Coding", in
Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Spectro-Temporal Features
for Automatic Speech Recognition using Linear Prediction in Spectral Domain",
Proc. of EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug 2008.
S. Ganapathy, P. Motlicek, H. Hermansky and H. Garudadri,
"Autoregressive Modelling of Hilbert Envelopes for Wide-band Audio Coding", AES 124th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, May 2008.
S. Ganapathy, P. Motlicek, H. Hermansky and H. Garudadri, ""Temporal Masking for Bit-rate Reduction in Audio Codec Based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction", Proc. of ICASSP, April 2008.
S. Thomas, S. Ganapathy and H. Hermansky, "Hilbert Envelope Based Features for Far-Field Speech Recognition", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg 2008.
P. Motlicek, H. Hermansky, S. Ganapathy and H. Garudadri, "Frequency Domain Linear Prediction for QMF Sub-bands and Applications to Audio Coding", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg 2007.
P. Motlicek, H. Hermansky, S. Ganapathy and H. Garudadri, "Non-
Uniform Speech/Audio Coding Exploiting Predictability of Temporal Evolution of Spectral Envelopes", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg
"Method for System Combination in Audio Analytics Applications", Filed July 2015.
"Spectral Noise Shaping in Audio Coding Based on Spectral Dynamics in Frequency Sub-bands", Nov. 2011.
Temporal Masking in Audio Coding Based on Spectral Dynamics in Frequency Sub-bands", Aug. 2009.
N. Sharma, V. Krishnamohan, S. Ganapathy, A. Gangopadhyay, L. Fink "Acoustic and linguistic features influence talker change detection", Journal of Acoustic Society of America (JASA) - Express Letters, EL414, Oct. 2020.
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Interpretable Representation Learning for Speech and Audio Signals Based on Relevance Weighting," IEEE Transactions and Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2020. [Code]
N. Sharma, P. Krishnan, R. Kumar, S. Ramoji, S. R. Chetupalli, R. Nirmala, P. K. Ghosh and S. Ganapathy,"Coswara -- A Database of Breathing, Cough, and Voice Sounds for COVID-19 Diagnosis ", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020 [Dataset]
S. Ramoji, P. Krishnan and S. Ganapathy,"Neural PLDA Modeling for End-to-end Speaker Verification", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020 [Code]
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy,"Robust Raw Waveform Speech Recognition Using Relevance Weighted Representations", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
V. Krishnamohan, A. Soman, A. Gupta and S. Ganapathy,"Audiovisual Correspondence Learning in Humans And Machines", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
A. Purushothaman, A. Sreeram, R. Kumar and S. Ganapathy,"Deep Learning Based Dereverberation of Temporal Envelopes for Robust Speech Recognition", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
P. Singh and S. Ganapathy,"Deep Self-Supervised Hierarchical Clustering for Speaker Diarization", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
S. R. Chetupalli and S. Ganapathy,"Context Dependent RNNLM for Automatic Transcription of Conversations", Interspeech 2020, Beijing, October 2020.
J. Reddy and S. Ganapathy,"Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis For Decoding The Auditory Brain", IEEE EMBC, Toronto, Canada, July 2020.
S. Ramoji, P. Krishnan, and S. Ganapathy,"NPLDA: A Deep Neural PLDA Model for Speaker Verification", Speaker Odyssey Workshop, November, 2020.
S. Ramoji, P. Krishnan, B. Mysore, P. Singh and S. Ganapathy,"LEAP System for SRE19 Challenge -- Improvements and Error Analysis", Speaker Odyssey Workshop, November, 2020.
S. Babu, D. Vijayasenan and S. Ganapathy, "Automatic Speaker Profiling from Short Duration Speech Data", Elsevier Speech Communications, April 2020.
B. Padi, A. Mohan and S. Ganapathy, "Towards Relevance and Sequence Modeling in Language Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, March, 2020.
N. Sharma, V. Krishnamohan, S. Ganapathy, A. Gangopadhayay and L. Fink "On The Impact of Language Familiarity In Talker Change Detection", ICASSP 2020.
A. Purushothaman, A. Sreeram and S. Ganapathy "3-D Feature and Acoustic Modeling for Far-Field Speech Recognition", ICASSP 2020.
R. Kumar, A. Sreeram, A. Purushothaman and S. Ganapathy "Unsupervised Neural Mask Estimator For Generalized Eigen-Value Beamforming Based ASR", ICASSP 2020.
N. Takahashi, M. Singh, S. Basak, P. Sudarsanam, S. Ganapathy, Y. Mitsufuji "Improving Voice Separation by Incorporating End-to-end Speech Recognition", ICASSP 2020.
S. Ramoji and S. Ganapathy, "Supervised I-vector Modeling for Language and Accent Recognition", Elsevier Journal on Computer, Speech and Language, Oct. 2019.
A. Kanagasundaram, S. Sridharan, S. Ganapathy and C. Fookes, "A Study on Pairwise LDA for X-vector based Speaker Recognition", IET Electronic Letters, (2019).
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Modulation Filter Learning Using Deep Variational Networks for Robust Speech Recognition", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Special Issue on Data Science: Machine Learning for Audio Signal Processing, April 2019. [Code]
A. Soman, Madhavan C. R., K. Sarkar, and S. Ganapathy, "An EEG Study On The Brain Representations in Language Learning", IOP Journal on Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 5(2), 25041, (2019).
K. Praveen, A. Gupta, A. Soman and S. Ganapathy "Second Language Transfer Learning in Humans and Machines Using Image Supervision", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2019.
S. Bansal, K. Malhotra, S. Ganapathy"Speaker and Language Aware Training for End-to-End ASR", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2019.
N. Ryant, K. Church, C. Cieri, A. Cristia, J. Du, S. Ganapathy and M. Liberman, "The Second DIHARD Diarization Challenge: Dataset - task - and baselines", accepted in INTERSPEECH, 2019.
P. Singh, Harsha Vardhan M A, S. Ganapathy and A. Kanagasundaram, "LEAP Diarization System for the Second DIHARD Challenge", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
B. Padi, A. Mohan and S. Ganapathy, "Attention based Hybrid I-vector BLSTM Model for Language Recognition", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
K. Malhotra, S. Bansal and S. Ganapathy, "Active Learning Methods for Low Resource End-To-End Automatic Speech Recognition", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy, "Unsupervised Raw Waveform Representation Learning for ASR", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
A. Kanagasundaram, S. Sridharan, S. Ganapathy and P. Singh, "A Study of X-vector Based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances", INTERSPEECH, 2019.
S. Ramoji, A. Mohan, Bhargavram M, A. Bhatia, P. Singh, Harsha V, S. Ganapathy, "The LEAP Speaker Recognition System for NIST SRE 2018 Challenge", ICASSP, 2019.
N. Sharma, S. Ganesh, S. Ganapathy and L. Holt, "Analyzing human reaction time for talker change detection", ICASSP, 2019.[Code]
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Deep variational filter learning models for speech recognition", ICASSP, 2019.
S. Babu, D. Vijayasenan and S. Ganapathy, "A Deep Neural Network Based End-to-End Model for Joint Height And Age Estimation From Short Duration Speech", ICASSP, 2019.
B. Padi, A. Mohan, S. Ganapathy, "End-to-end language recognition using atten
tion based hierarchical gated recurrent unit models", ICASSP, 2019.[Code]
N. Sharma, S. Ganesh, S. Ganapathy and L. Holt, "Talker change detection: A comparison of human and machine performance", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, December 2018. [Code]
V. S. Kadimesetty, S. Gutta, S. Ganapathy, and P. K. Yalavarthy, "Convolutional Neural Network based Robust Denoising of Low-Dose Computed Tomography Perfusion Maps", IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, August 2018.
S. Ramoji, S. Ganapathy, "Supervised i-vector modeling - Theory and Applications", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
P. Agrawal, S. Ganapathy, "Comparison of unsupervised modulation filter learning methods for ASR", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
A. Cristia, S. Ganesh, M. Casillas and S. Ganapathy, "Talker diarization in the wild: The case of child-centered daylong audio-recordings", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
R. Kumar, V. Yeruva and S. Ganapathy, "On Convolutional LSTM Modeling for Joint Wake-Word Detection and Text Dependent Speaker Verification", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
S. Ganapathy and M. Harish, "Far-Field Speech Recognition Using Multivariate Autoregressive Models", INTERSPEECH, 2018.
B. Padi, S. Ramoji, V. Yeruva, S. Kumar, S. Ganapathy, "The LEAP Language Recognition System for LRE 2017 Challenge - Improvements and Error Analysis", Odyssey: The speaker and language recognition workshop, 2018.
N. Sajjan, S. Ganesh, N. Sharma, S. Ganapathy and N. Ryant "Leveraging LSTM Models for Overlap Detection in Multi-Party Meetings", ICASSP, Calgary Canada, April 2018.
S. Ganapathy and V. Peddinti "3-D CNN Models for Far-Field Multi-Channel Speech Recognition", ICASSP, Calgary Canada, April 2018.
N. Ryant et al. "Enhancement and Analysis of Conversational Speech: JSALT 2017", ICASSP, Calgary Canada, April 2018.
Ansari T, R. Kumar, S. Singh, S. Ganapathy "Unsupervised HMM Posteriograms for Language Independent Acoustic Modeling in Zero Resource Conditions", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2017.
Ansari T, R. Kumar, S. Singh, S. Ganapathy "Deep Learning Methods For Unsupervised Acoustic Modeling - LEAP Submission to ZeroSpeech Challenge 2017", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2017.
A. Siddhant, P. Jyothi and S. Ganapathy "Leveraging Native Language Speech For Accent Identfication Using Deep Siamese Networks", IEEE ASRU, Dec. 2017.
S. Gutta, V.S. Kadimesetty, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, S. Ganapathy and P. K. Yalavarthy, "Deep Neural Network Based Bandwidth Enhancement of Photoacoustic Data", Journal of Biomedical Optics, October 2017.
G. Kocavs, L. Toth, D. V. Compernolle and S. Ganapathy , "Increasing the Robustness of CNN Acoustic Models using ARMA Spectrogram Features and Channel Dropout", Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters, September 2017.
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy, "Unsupervised Modulation Filter Learning for Noise-Robust Speech Recognition", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, September 2017. [Code]
P. Agrawal and S. Ganapathy "Speech representation learning using unsupervised data-driven modulation filtering for robust ASR", Interspeech, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
N. Kumar, R. K. Das, S. Jelil, Dhanush B K, H. Kashyap, K. S. R. Murthy, S. Ganapathy, R. Sinha and S. R. M. Prasanna "IITG-Indigo system for NIST 2016 SRE challenge", Interspeech, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
S. Ganapathy, "Multi-variate Autoregressive Spectrogram Modeling for Noisy Speech Recognition", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, July 2017.
Dhanush B, Suparna S., Aarthy R., Likhita C., Shashank D., Harish H. and S. Ganapathy "Factor Analysis Methods for Joint Speaker Verification and Spoof Detection", ICASSP, New Orleans, USA, March 2017.
S. Sadjadi, J. Pelecanos and S. Ganapathy "The IBM Speaker Recognition System: Recent Advances and Error Analysis", Interspeech, San Francisco, September, 2016.
D. Dimitriadis, S. Thomas and S. Ganapathy, "An investigation on the use of ivectors for improved ASR robustness", Interspeech, San Francisco, Sept. 2016.
S. Sadjadi, S. Ganapathy and J. Pelecanos, "The IBM 2016 Speaker Recognition System", Odyssey, Spain, June, 2016.
S. Sadjadi, S. Ganapathy and J. Pelecanos, "Speaker Age Estimation On Conversational Telephone Speech Using Senone Posterior Based I-vectors", ICASSP, Shanghai, March, 2016.
2015 and before
Refer above in Conferences and Journals.