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- Audio Technology Development Division, System R and D Group, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Phase modeling using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for audio source separation, with Naoya Takahashi and Yuhki Mitsufuji. - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (B.H.E.L.), Bhopal, India.
- Airports Authority of India, Udaipur, India.
- Student best paper award, "Neural representation Learning of Speech Signals", in 'Speech, Data Analytics and Machine Learning' track, EECS Research Students' Symposium, IISc, 2020.
- Best poster award, "Unsupervised Representation Learning For Speech Recognition", in AI/ML track, EECS Research Students Symposium, IISc, 2019.
- Research Associate fellowship from British Telecom India Research Center (BTIRC), IISc, Aug 2020 - Present.
- Pratiksha Travel Fellowship (PTF) for INTERSPEECH 2019, Graz, Austria.
- International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) travel grant for INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) Postgraduate Research Scholarship, 2015-2020.
- University Grants Commission (UGC) Masters program fellowship, 2013-2015.
Teaching Assistantship
- Deep Learning - Theory and Practice, CCE, IISc (Jan-April 2019)
- Speech Information Processing, EE, IISc (Jan-April 2018)
- Analog and digital communication, DA-IICT (Jan-Apr 2015)
- Communication skills, DA-IICT (Jul-Nov 2014)
- Signals and systems, DA-IICT (May-Jun 2014)
- Analog and digital communication, DA-IICT (Jan-Apr 2014)
- Communication skills, DA-IICT (Jul-Nov 2013)
Media Interaction
Selected Talks/Workshops
- Unsupervised Representation Learning for Robust Speech Recognition", 5th Doctoral Consortium, ISCA event, INTERSPEECH 2019, Graz, Austria.
- Panel Discussion (invited), Workshop for Young Female Researchers in Speech Science & Technology 2018.
- Invited Talk, Convergence-2, The Machine Learning Conference 2018, Sony India Software Centre Pvt. Ltd.
- Workshop on Brain, Computation, and Learning (BCL) 2017 to 2019 - IISc, Bangalore.
- Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing (WiSSAP) - 2014 to 2020.