Apr. 2022
Congratulations to Shreyas Ramoji and Prashant for journal paper acceptance in Computer Speech and Language!Jan. 2022
Congratulations to Akshara Soman and Prathibha for journal paper acceptance in Frontiers in Neuroscience!Jan. 2022
LEAP@ICASSP-2022 - 4 papers accepted. Congratulations to all the authors. Keep Leaping!Jan 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Sriram Ganapathy for being promoted as Associate Professor.Nov 2021
Congratulations to Neeraj, Ananya, Prashant, Rohit, and Srikanth for journal paper acceptance in Elsevier Journal on Computer, Speech and Language !Aug 2021
Congratulations to Anurenjan, Rohit and Anirudh for journal paper acceptance in Elsevier Journal on Computer, Speech and Language !June 2021
Congratulations to Prachi for journal paper acceptance in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing !June 2021
Congratulations to Jaswanth for journal paper acceptance in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering !Jan. 2021
LEAP@ICASSP-2021 - 4 papers accepted. Congratulations to Purvi, Jaswant, Shrutina and Prashant. Keep Leaping!Jan. 2021
Congratulations to the first PhD scholar from LEAP lab - Purvi for successfully defending her thesis. Way to go!!Jan. 2021
Congratulations to Sriram for getting selected for the 2021 Verisk AI Faculty Award!Jan. 2021
Coswara proposal accepted as special session for Interspeech 2021 conference.Jan. 2021
Congratulations to Neeraj who joins as the Raman postdoctoral fellow!Oct. 2020
Congratulations to Neeraj and Venkat for paper acceptance in JASA-Express Letters!Sept 2020
Congratulations to Purvi for journal paper acceptance in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing !July 2020
LEAP@Interspeech2020 - 7 papers accepted. Congratulations to Purvi, Anurenjan, Venkat, Shreyas, Prachi, Neeraj, Srikanth and rest of the LEAPers. Keep leaping!Coswara
LEAPers actively involved in development of sound based diagnostics of Covid-19. Media CoverageMay 2020
Congrats to Jaswanth for paper acceptance in IEEE EMBC!March 2020
LEAPers@Speaker Odyssey 2020... 2 papers accepted ! Congratulations to Shreyas, Prashant, Prachi.March 2020
Congratulations to Bharat and Anand for their paper acceptance in IEEE Transcations on Audio, Speech and Language ProcessingJan 2020
Leap@ICASSP 2020... 4 papers accepted! Congratulations to Anurenjan, Sakya, Rohit, Anirudh, Neeraj, Venkat.Oct 2019
Congratulations to Shreyas for a paper acceptance in journal Computer Speech and Language, Elsevier !Sept 2019
LEAPers' Journal work on Talker Change Detection gets selected for "JASA latest technical area pick" of the year. Congratulations !! IISc website covers the news: Alexa, are you ready to join our dinner table conversation ?Sept 2019
Congratulations to LEAPers for two papers accepted in ASRU !Aug 2019
Srikanth joins the lab as Post Doctoral fellow ! Welcome Srikanth !!June 2019
Congratulations to LEAPers for their 6 papers accepted in INTERSPEECH 2019 !!April 2019
Congratulations to Purvi for paper acceptance in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Special Issue !!Feb 2019
Congratulations to LEAPers for 5 papers accepted in ICASSP 2019. It's 5/5 this time !!Dec. 2018
Sriram is nominated as the subject editor for the Elsevier Journal on Speech CommunicationsSept 2018
Congratulations to the LEAP-CSALT team (Purvi, Sonali, Jayanth - IITB) for podium finish (3rd place) in Low Resource Speech Recognition Challenge for Indian Languages, Microsoft.Sept 2018
Sriram gives the invited perspective keynote talk in Interspeech 2018.-
Aug 2018
Congratulations to Akshara for getting selected in EMEA student research workshop for brain inspired computing & technologies by Broadcom Foundation. -
June 2018
Congratulations to Purvi, Shreyas, Shobhana, Rajat and Madhumita for 6 papers accepted in INTERSPEECH 2018 !!! -
May 2018
Sriram Ganapathy receives the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Young Scientist Research Award (YSRA) for 2018. Congratulations to Sriram ! -
March 2018
Congratulations to Bharat, Shreyas, Vaishnavi and Satish for paper accepted in Odyssey 2018. -
Feb. 2018
Congratulations to Neeraj Sajjan, Shobhana and Neeraj Sharma for ICASSP paper acceptance. -
Jan. 2018
Congratulations to Neeraj Sharma for the BrainHub Project- IISc-CMU collaboration project funding second year in a row. -
Nov. 2017
MTech LEAPers top the chart with jobs in first week of campus placement. Congratulations to Sonali, Kinsuk and Bharat. -
August 2017:
Sriram Ganapathy receives the Prathiksha Young Investigator Award. Thanks to Prathiksha Trust. -
August 2017:
Congratulations to Purvi for JASA paper and internship at Sony R & D Labs, Tokyo. -
July 2017:
LEAP lab with Dr. Preethi Jyothi (IITB) wins the Microsoft Research - Automatic Social Intelligence best workshop award. -
June 2017:
Congratulations to Purvi for successful completion of PhD Comprehensive Examination and for the ISCA student travel grant award. -
May 2017:
Two papers accepted at Interspeech 2017 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden - Congratulations to Purvi, Dhanush and Harish. -
May 2017:
New project - Speaker Characterization and Profiling jointly with Dr. Deepu Vijayasenan (NITK) (Funding agency: DST). -
April 2017:
Thanks to DST for the Early Career Research Award given to Dr. Sriram Ganapathy. -
April 2017:
New project - Speaker Verification (Funding agency: Indian Army Bureau). -
Feb. 2017:
New project - Language Identification (Funding agency: Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO)). -
Jan. 2017:
BrainHub Project- IISc-CMU collaboration - Neeraj Sharma joins as postdoctoral researcher. -
Dec. 2016:
Paper accepted at ICASSP 2017 - Joint Speaker Verification and Spoof Detection - Congratulations to Dhanush, Suparna, Aarthy, Likhita, Shashank and Harish. -
Sept. 2016:
Our work in the news - CIO article about neuromorphic computing - web link -
Aug. 2016:
Shreyas R and Akshara S join as PhD students in the LEAP labs. -
July 2016:
Rajath Kumar, who graduated from RNSIT, 2016 in ECE, has joined the LEAP lab as Project Assistant. -
July 2016:
Dhanush B K, who graduated from NIT-Surathkal, 2015 in ECE, has joined the LEAP lab as Project Assistant. -
July 2016:
Received NVIDIA Academic Grant for GTX Titan X GPU. Thanks to NVIDIA Corp. for the generous support to our research. -
July 2016:
Purvi Agrawal joins the LEAP lab as a PhD student. -
June 2016:
Two Papers Accepted at Interspeech 2016 Conference in San Francisco. -
May 2016:
Dr Deepu Vijayasenan, who is Assistant Professor in ECE Dept., NIT Surathkal has joined the LEAP labs. Dr Deepu holds a PhD degree in speech pocessing from Idiap Research Institute, EPFL, Switzerland. -
April 2016:
Paper Accepted at Odyssey 2016 Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop in Spain
Sept. 2017
Congratulations to the LEAP Team (Ansari, Rajath and Sonali) for podium finish (3rd place) in Zerospeech 2017 Challenge and for the acceptance of two papers in IEEE ASRU conference.